To The Family
At Gather, we join together, do life together & grow together in this journey of life. We are a church focused on the family. Whether you have one or not- we are here for you. God is ultimately our Heavenly Parent and we are all God's children. As we gather together we hope to feel connected to one another and our creator God.
We don't choose our family but we choose to love one another regardless. As a family, we take you for you. Come be a part of something bigger than any of us and discover the great love of God and your true capacity to love others.
"We are born in the bosom of the family and we grow within the family. The family is our origin, our starting point and our school of love."
-Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Our Focus
Genesis 1:28
At Gather, we center our ministry around the Three Great Blessings- God's very first words to his children found in Genesis. In today's busy world- it's important to focus on what matters.
Live. Grow Myself. Develop my personal, living relationship with God and grow my spirit and character through study and application. Love God.
Love. Create Family. Strive to create a God-centered family. Appreciate, love and grow with the people God has placed in my life. Love Others.
Give. Impact the World. Make a difference in my lifetime through using the talents & gifts I've been given and taking care of God's beautiful Creation. Love the World.

Our Vision
To build an expanding community of families who bring joy to God
by practicing true love to move the hearts of others.
We invite you to become a part of this purpose.